sábado, 27 de março de 2010

Monica Ashley Case Study

What did we learn? “Hearts can’t be conquered with Reason” by Ana Miranda.It’s not enough to be right; you also have to get it right. Monica made the WHAT part right but forgot about the HOW part. Although she had all the figures and data to defend her point she couldn’t implement her plan of action because she didn’t have an organizational conscience, ignoring different opinions and strange behaviors. She was blinded by her biases.We learned to have some awareness to people’s “How” situations. Being sensible to the people’s part.
What surprised us? She wasn’t able to use her allies and she was even capable of losing the ones she had. How she lose it all with so little things.
What do we want to remember? We don’t own the truth. We can always learn from others, as long as we are available.

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