domingo, 28 de março de 2010

Anna Frisch Case Study

What did we learn? Empowering with others is essential to get rid of obstacles. Anna Frisch was too much focus on her one plan, and forgot to talk to everybody and to involve all the stakeholders.

What surprised us? She had anticipatory vision for a problem that will affect all the company, but she can't implement their plan because she was too much Channel 1.

What do we want to remember? We should talk with everybody. People around us are different. If we forget this we can't have sucess.

1 comentário:

  1. Reflections on change by Anna Frisch:
    “I am easily fascinated but can also fascinate others. I can grasp complex information about something, analyze it and break it down to simple ideas or approaches. But when it comes to pulling in others and actively involve people, I can still improve. To trust others, to believe that others might be as capable as oneself: that’s something I have to learn.”
