sábado, 27 de março de 2010

G1 discussion about assignments #1 and #2

What did we learn?

  • We realized that some of us felt really comfortable with the theme on the first classes, but others were suspicious and thought this would be another “bs” talk.
  • At certain point all of us wondered if this idea is too simple and basic (with no content) or if it´s the opposite, it´s simple and profound.
  • For some of us, there was a click, for others it was more like a struggle, a guttural thing that raised interior conflict.
  • This idea affected our way of seeing our progression on our careers, we have to be good technically, but also something else… and at this point we asked ourselves if were ready to receive help, is allowed, isn´t that a weakness?
  • To Be or not To Be. It´s not about what you are, is about how you deal with the situation, is the attitude that counts. It´s not about “good” or “bad” people, it´s not about “good” or “bad” situations, is deeper…
  • It´s natural, maybe! Can we learn it? YES WE CAN! Depends on us, inside-out energy!
New questions!
  • Some of us really feel as a channel 2 “natural”, but over time the aggressive company culture changed us! The aggressive behavior is more valuable in some companies, it makes you powerful and is a way of climbing up on the organization. We know the answer to this question! Not sustainable, it has too many negative consequences on you and the ones that are close to you.
  • Will it last? We have experienced, but is this a part of who we are?
  • How evolve, how to bring others to channel 2?

1 comentário:

  1. By opening myself to others and letting them know how I'm affected by them I put myself in a situation where I'm ready to receive others best behaviour.
    For me it is actually about becoming a better person and improving my social and working environment.
