sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

Biases - “I’m going toward what I want or what I expect?”

It's incredible how our past experiences and expectations can disturb the reality perception. How much we can loose just because we can’t see the whole picture. As Jeannie said in class: “We are in a war against our rigid expectations”

How to deal with/agains that? Would you like to share your experiences?

1 comentário:

  1. Being ready to receive!
    I strongly believe that you have to forget past experiences and don't pay atention to your own biases in way to be ready to create effective communication channels with others, this is the path to solidify the foundation of HOW to achieve the results you WANT.
    (See Monica Ashley case and you will seen an example of what I'm saying.)
    We pass all of our life listening the older ones telling us to learn with the experience, to not trust in everyone, to be carefull to give second chances because people don't change... So, I know it's an hard thing to do: pass trough our past experiences without judging, however I want to believe that despite our past makes part of us it can't determine our future.
    Be open and modifiable, and you'll surprise youself!
