quinta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2010

Passo a passo, à descoberta!

Vale a pena ler!
"Há dias que fazem as nossas vidas. Há pequenos lampejos que nos vão surpreendendo, aqui e ali, e deixam marcas eternas na nossa alma.
Lembro-me de alguns dias verdadeiramente importantes e são eles que, unidos ponto a ponto, dão um sentido à minha existência e fazem de mim quem sou.
Os meus momentos mais marcantes não são necessariamente bons, mas são sempre etapas de crescimento. Muitas vezes, são momentos em que há uma mistura de boas e más sensações, momentos que pedem uma pausa para uma reflexão interior e me conduzem a uma visão mais transparente do caminho.
Ultimamente, fui obrigada a parar para ordenar todas as minhas ideias e encontrar as respostas que me faltavam. A questão primordial é uma: – O que é que me faz feliz?!…
Quando era pequena, o meu refúgio ficava naquele lugar entre a caneta e o papel onde acabam as dimensões do tempo e do espaço. A solidão ajudava-me a perguntar e a compreender as coisas que parecem difíceis e os meus poemas conseguiam falar mais alto do que o meu grito mais agudo.
De um momento para o outro, deixei-me tornar incapaz e esqueci que há prismas em que a luz se desdobra em todas as cores.
Às vezes, sinto falta do que fui.
Falar nunca foi o meu ponto forte. A minha voz tem uma péssima memória e demora imenso até encontrar todas as palavras. As minhas mãos tremem, as minhas pernas tremem e não há movimento que eu faça que não denuncie o meu caos interior.
Sempre imaginei o meu trabalho em cozinha como um trabalho solitário e silêncioso mas, recentemente, tenho tido solicitações que não esperava e que viraram o meu mundo do avesso. Não tinha a certeza de ser capaz de enfrentar os meus medos, não estava segura de poder lidar com a pressão que representam os “olhos do público” e fui obrigada a fazer uma reflexão profunda àcerca de mim e do que quero fazer.
Hoje, marquei uma etapa importante com a minha estreia no Essência do Gourmet e, apesar de ter sofrido todos os defeitos de um coração inquieto, posso orgulhar-me de mais um passo em frente.
Não foi um dia perfeito. Foi um dia feliz." 
In http://www.flagrantedelicia.com/

sábado, 12 de junho de 2010

Jeannie's wish

I wish you enough sun
to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain
to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness
to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain
so that the smallest joys in life
appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain
to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss
to appreciate all you possess.
I wish you enough hellos
to get you through the final goodbye.
By Bob Perks

sexta-feira, 11 de junho de 2010

Thanksgiving... Isn't this all about what really matters?

1. pela minha saúde, por ser genericamente saudável não tendo uma só queixa de nada, nunca ficando doente e nunca tendo que vigiar nada;
2. pelas demonstrações de afecto incondicional que recebo frequentemente na minha vida;
3. por ter água potável, comida, refúgio e acesso ao conforto;
4. por já ter percebido que é a viagem e não o destino;
5. por saber que a felicidade é o somatório do dia-a-dia e não um lugar a que se aspira;
6. por poder ajudar a aliviar a dor dos que amo;
7. por não ter apego a nada físico ou material;
8. por viver no século XXI, tornando mais fácil uma vida em que sou honesto comigo próprio;
9. por ter podido viver em 4 países diferentes, aprendendo novos matizes de tolerância;
10. por saber o valor de ouvir com o coração;
11. por estar rodeado de gente que em média é melhor que eu ou que sempre me ensina algo;
12. por já ter percebido que fama, fortuna ou beleza não servem para muito e não preenchem quase nada"
by Pedro Pina em ocaminhocaminhando.blogspot.com, Dezembro 2008

                Obrigada pela partilha, Pedro. 

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2010


"Um dia quando olhares para trás verás que os

dias mais belos foram aqueles em que lutaste.”

Sigmund Freud

segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

G1 discussion about assignments #4

We realized that the best way to inspire other people is creating a blog. So we had this good idea together, and this blog is the result. Great moment girls!

Sofia, Get well fast!

We all hope you get well fast - we need you!
G1 - What a team :)

Shrek The Halls

Shrek apologize to his friends. At the end he tunes channel#2.

Alice Mackenzie Swaim Quote

"Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; It is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow." by Alice M. Swaim.
Channel # 2 is like a blossom in the snow, for me.

A great lesson of being positive!


domingo, 28 de março de 2010


What Makes Egos Our Greatest Asset

"Refreshing... a compelling case for the pratical importance of humility in the business realm" - Alan Deutschman

Author: David Marcum and Steaven Smith

Good to Great

Level 5 Leadership

"Why some companies make the leap... and others don't"

Author: Jim Collins

Leadership and Self-Deception

Getting Out of the Box

"This is a profound book, with deep and sweeping implications. It is engaging, fresh, easy to read, and packed with insights. I couldn't recommend it more highly." - Stephen R. Covey

Author: The Arbínger Instítute

Anna Frisch Case Study

What did we learn? Empowering with others is essential to get rid of obstacles. Anna Frisch was too much focus on her one plan, and forgot to talk to everybody and to involve all the stakeholders.

What surprised us? She had anticipatory vision for a problem that will affect all the company, but she can't implement their plan because she was too much Channel 1.

What do we want to remember? We should talk with everybody. People around us are different. If we forget this we can't have sucess.

The Blind Side's Leigh Anne Tuohy

Leigh Anne Tuohy speech about the adoption story of Michael Oher. We saw this story in class. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8es7H-IvyU&feature=related

sábado, 27 de março de 2010


  • Bono CA Women's Conference 10/22/08 Part 1:
  • Bono receiving an award:

G1 discussion about assignments #1 and #2

What did we learn?

  • We realized that some of us felt really comfortable with the theme on the first classes, but others were suspicious and thought this would be another “bs” talk.
  • At certain point all of us wondered if this idea is too simple and basic (with no content) or if it´s the opposite, it´s simple and profound.
  • For some of us, there was a click, for others it was more like a struggle, a guttural thing that raised interior conflict.
  • This idea affected our way of seeing our progression on our careers, we have to be good technically, but also something else… and at this point we asked ourselves if were ready to receive help, is allowed, isn´t that a weakness?
  • To Be or not To Be. It´s not about what you are, is about how you deal with the situation, is the attitude that counts. It´s not about “good” or “bad” people, it´s not about “good” or “bad” situations, is deeper…
  • It´s natural, maybe! Can we learn it? YES WE CAN! Depends on us, inside-out energy!
New questions!
  • Some of us really feel as a channel 2 “natural”, but over time the aggressive company culture changed us! The aggressive behavior is more valuable in some companies, it makes you powerful and is a way of climbing up on the organization. We know the answer to this question! Not sustainable, it has too many negative consequences on you and the ones that are close to you.
  • Will it last? We have experienced, but is this a part of who we are?
  • How evolve, how to bring others to channel 2?

Nacional Anthem NBA

NBA coach steps forward and influences everyone at the stadium.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela’s first interview after being released from prison:
An example of Leadership!

Monica Ashley Case Study

What did we learn? “Hearts can’t be conquered with Reason” by Ana Miranda.It’s not enough to be right; you also have to get it right. Monica made the WHAT part right but forgot about the HOW part. Although she had all the figures and data to defend her point she couldn’t implement her plan of action because she didn’t have an organizational conscience, ignoring different opinions and strange behaviors. She was blinded by her biases.We learned to have some awareness to people’s “How” situations. Being sensible to the people’s part.
What surprised us? She wasn’t able to use her allies and she was even capable of losing the ones she had. How she lose it all with so little things.
What do we want to remember? We don’t own the truth. We can always learn from others, as long as we are available.

sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

Biases - “I’m going toward what I want or what I expect?”

It's incredible how our past experiences and expectations can disturb the reality perception. How much we can loose just because we can’t see the whole picture. As Jeannie said in class: “We are in a war against our rigid expectations”

How to deal with/agains that? Would you like to share your experiences?

Last Class

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

A poem for a good start!

" We all fight wars. The most important one is the one with ourselves, With our expectations...with our Fears and Valves. Don’t leave Home until you’ve won this Battle. And don’t speak with no one else neither rattle.The problems are outside, but the solution is inside of you. And if you are not in peace with yourselves, nobody will help you. And you don’t hear your Want nor learn how to beat the Fear.

In Wars, we all lose. Even the ones who stay behind...in the Rear. Once won this War, you can leave your shelter. Explore and listen all the birds in the sky have to tell. And be aware, of every single bell, Be ready and feel precious to receive...even nothing, Don’t fear being feared cause Fear is the Anchor to Reality. Take off the Armour... cause it’s heavy and make you feel tired

Go alone... cause you don’t need your Army anymore

Depose all...your weapons. Go unarmed and...Fight with no Fear and no Words. Take only your Heart and the smile on your face. You’ll feel stronger and pleased to see. You have more results with less energy. Once you understand this, you’ll be prepared to be a ...LEADER"

Fernando Silva